This is our review of wix vs shopify.
You want to get started in e-commerce but do not have the technical skills to create your online store.
Furthermore, you don't have a large budget for a site creation and cannot afford to delegate this task.
You have done your homework and come across different solutions. They make creating an e-commerce site easy and best of all they also don't need lots of technical skills.
You will need to weight in your options. Whether selling products with or without stock management.
Wix and Shopify are two very different solutions. But both allow you to create an online store without too much complexity.
You want to explore these two options and need a constructive advice to make an informed choice.
You can't risk making the wrong choice and wasting time building your store. That's why we offer you a complete comparison on Wix and Shopify.
At the end of this article, you will be able to make your choice under the best possible conditions.
Getting Started
For Wix, getting started is easy. This is the major advantage put forward by the tool's marketing team.
The value proposition is simple. Allow everyone to create a professional looking website without technical skills.
Wix uses an efficient “drag and drop” system for people who want a very easy way to create their website.
Shopify will need more time to take charge of the entire interface and be able to create a store.
But, there are many tutorials on online that allow you to get started on the right foot. You will also get more satisfactory results than with Wix.
For both solutions, the ergonomics are pleasant. It is possible to adapt to all the features and possibilities offered by the two tools.
The Boutique Part
If you want to build more than a website such as an online store, your choice should be Shopify.
Indeed, Wix is not designed to for e-commerce optimization. It is possible to import themes which will do very well.
But the features are rather limited when compared with a solution like Shopify.
Shopify is one of the most popular platforms for building an e-commerce sites. The tool is designed and optimized for this purpose. All the people who use Shopify create a store.
It is for this reason that it is the best option between the two solutions that we share with you today.
They thought about everything to make life easier for e-merchants.
You can achieve this either with their basic option or through the many extensions (free or paid) available in the Shopify app store.
The Blog
The parts dedicated to creating a blog are not the most effective on the market for either Shopify or Wix.
But, we can note that it will be more pleasant to create a blog on Wix thanks to the system of “drag and drop” available.
You will be able to have much more freedom about the appearance of your blog.
But again, these solutions are not made for starting a blog. If your goal is to start a blog, you should look more into a WordPress solution that will be much more suitable.
Both solutions offer themes to have a visual considered attractive. On Shopify, it is possible to buy themes to have even more choices.
You will then be able to further personalize your online store. You will have a lot more possibilities.
Especially since it is possible to integrate your own code if you know your way around. Or, if you could call on an experienced developer.
With Wix, this is less obvious. As a result, you will have much less freedom for customization.
The Price
The main advantage of Wix is being able to have a website for free. The company provides an offer that allows you to pay nothing for the creation of a website.
But this is not without trade off. And the main downside is that you must accept to see advertisements appear on your website.
This allows Wix to earn money from companies that pay them a commission in return for advertisements displayed on free websites.
You also have other ads free subscription options. These offers range from $10 per month to $ 29 per month.
As for Shopify, the basic offer is $ 29 per month. There is a 14-day free trial period that will allow you to test Shopify. Offers can go up to $ 299 per month, but that's for already well-established businesses.
If you're considering using Wix, then Shopify's premium offerings aren't for you.
Also, on top of these monthly subscriptions, you must consider the commissions. Indeed, as soon as you make a sale, you will have to pay 2% of the amount of your sale to Shopify. On Wix, you don't pay any commission.
If you want to make a website in many languages, it will be easy to do so with Wix.
But, on Shopify, you will need to download extra extensions to translate your online store.
You can choose a free application like “Transate your Shop GTranslate” for example.
Stock Management
Shopify is the best e-commerce solution between the two options presented here. Without surprise it offers a more efficient inventory management.
Both solutions offer easy inventory management. But Shopify has many more possibilities for products management.
It is also much easier to manage a stock comprising many references with Shopify than with Wix.
You should therefore take this into consideration if you want to manage your own stock of goods.
SEO (or natural referencing)
Wix is not one of the most suitable solutions for search engine optimization.
Indeed, the tool does not allow you to optimize your website to position yourself in Google's search results.
Yet, this is essential if you have ambition for your project and want to develop and grow it for several years.
It is for this reason that we tell you to choose Shopify if organic traffic is a priority for you. There are tools that will allow you to maximize your SEO effort.
Know that SEO is essential if you want to get traffic without spending a dollar.
The more time you spend on SEO of your online store, the more you will be rewarded for months or years to come.
For optimal SEO, we still recommend you to also learn about other solutions such as Woocommerce which may be more suitable.
Marketing And Promotional Offers
In both cases, you will be able to integrate promotions and offers to sell your products.
Yet, on Shopify, you have the option of downloading applications that will allow you setup upsells.
These are offers made after the initial sale.
Shopify once again offers more possibilities when it comes to website marketing.
Store’s Analytics
Shopify is best for you if you like knowing all your sales stats.
The tool offers many possibilities to analyze the performance of your store. You will be able to take specific actions to remedy any problems that prevent you from selling more.
On Wix, the options are limited not allowing you to analyze the performance of your store.
Wix vs Shopify - Our Take
You now have a glimpse of the potential of both solutions thanks to this Wix vs Shopify article.
It is important to carefully assess your needs before making your choice.
Indeed, consider factors like the type of business, your budget and the time you must devote to it.
Although Shopify is a complete solution, it might not always meet your needs.